







Conference Sub-themes:

The conference will accept concept papers, proposals, and finished projects on the development, implementation and evaluation of:


Technology - are recent advances/technology utilized by nurses and the allied health professionals in research, education and practice and their effectiveness to the stakeholders (i.e. profession, students, patients, among others) and their documented experiences (prospects and challenges) using technology.


Innovation - novel ideas, milestones and trailblazing practices that creatively and sensitively address nursing and health issues which include but not limited to developed policies / protocols, standards, theoritical/conceptual frameworks/models, patents, action research, among others.


Collaboration - practices, strategies and activities of inter-professional, intra-proffesional and trans-professional cooperation and dynamics that significantly impact the nursing profession and health care outcomes. 

Conference message-page-001

Invitation: Nursing Conference



Screenshots of the 1st International Nursing Conference

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