
  • Workshop on Standard Scanning Electron Microscopy (sSEM)
  • First Announcement and Call for Papers
  • Second Announcement: International Student Sponsorship

The Center of Excellence in Marine Biotechnology in Sultan Qaboos University will be organizing a one-day workshop on Standard Scanning Electron Microscopy on 2 November 2017. It will be led by an electron microscopy specialist Prof. Mario De Stefano from The Second University of Naples, Italy.


This course is design for researchers who will deal with standard scanning electron microscopy in academic, governmental, or industrial laboratories: engineers, technicians, physical and biological scientists, clinicians, geologists, forensic scientists and technical managers. Through lectures held in a one-day workshop, it will provide a basic knowledge of the principles of Standard Scanning Electron Microscopy as well as an introduction to sample preparation techniques and equipment.


Main topics treated during the course will be:

1) basics of a Scanning Electron Microscope,

2) comparison of types of scanning electron microscopes,

3) basics of image contrast formation in standard scanning electron microscopy (SE, BSE, resolution and contrast),

4) sample preparation techniques and equipment,

5) discussion of student’s interest


Venue:  Al Faham Stage, Sultan Qaboos University

Registration: 8:30 am

Date: 2 November 2017

Registration fee:  OMR 10

*Please click this link to register


For inquiries, please contact the following:

Tel no: 2414 3582

Fax no: 2441 3552

Email: cemb@squ.edu.om

This conference will bring together the community of scientists working in the general area of marine biotechnology in Oman and in GCC countries. Additionally, world-leading experts in marine biotechnology are invited. The focus of the conference will be on current and proposed marine biotechnology research and the opportunities for its application in the Gulf. The conference will extend over 2-days and will host oversea speakers, speakers from SQU and other universities in Oman and GCC countries, representative ministries and the commercial sector.

Graduate students will be encouraged to participate through a scheduled poster session, for which a prize for best poster will be awarded. It is anticipated that about 100-150 delegates will attend.


The main objectives of this conference are to assess and promote the development of marine biotechnology in the Gulf and to bring together scientists for the establishment of new collaborative activity. 


Registration is now open(Click here to register). For oral presentation click here and for poster presentation click hereThe deadline of the submission of the abstracts is 1 June 2017.



The conference comprises following major themes:

  • Marine Biodiversity and Sustainability
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture Biotechnology
  • Biofouling and Antifouling
  • Marine Genetics and Bioinformatics


Invited keynote speakers include:

  • Prof. Grant Burgess, University of Newcastle, UK
  • Dr. Stephen Goddard, WaterFarmers Aquaponics, Belgium
  • Prof. Claire Hellio, Brest University, France
  • Dr. Robert Huerlimann, James Cook University, Australia



The conference will be held at Al Faham Stage, SQU Cultural Center, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.



For registration, please click here or visit the website: https://conferences.squ.edu.om/marbio

Registration fee: OMR 10 (US $26)

Deadline of the registration of the participants: 1 August 2017 (UTC+04:00)

 *The registration is extended until 30 September 2017.


For further information

For more information, please contact the conference coordinator Mrs. Cristina B. Angel (marbio@squ.edu.om) or visit the website https://conferences.squ.edu.om/marbio


*The submission of abstracts is extended until 30 June 2017.


The conference organizers are offering full (return ticket, accommodation, fees) and partial (accommodation and fees) sponsorships to the exceptional international students. The students who are enrolled (by the time of application) in any postgraduate studies (e.g. PhD and M.Sc.) outside Oman are eligible to apply. The application does not guarantee support from organizers. The applications will be evaluated by the Conference Scientific Committee. The outstanding students will be identified and financial support will be provided only to them.

Students who would like be considered for the sponsorship should be registered (Please click here) at the conference website and submit to marbio@squ.edu.om the following documents:

  1. Extended abstract
  • Maximum of 1,000 words
  • It should contain brief information about your study. The abstract should include:

o Introduction and aim

o Materials and methods

o Results and discussion

  1. Letter from the supervisor indicating that the participant is the student at the time of the registration.

The deadline of the submission is 15 May 2017  (UTC+4:00)


The website of the conference: https://conferences.squ.edu.om/marbio/

For more information, please contact the conference coordinator Mrs. Cristina B. Angel marbio@squ.edu.om