
About The Conference

This is a key event in a series of medical education conferences held in cooperation with the Committee of Deans of Medical Colleges in the GCC. It will coincide with the meeting of the Committee of Deans, adding an extra layer of significance to the occasion. We are honored to host five distinguished speakers from the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands.



The goals of our conference are to:

  1. Provide a forum for sharing innovative ideas and educational innovations related to teaching and learning, assessment, mentoring, and wellbeing in medical education.

  2. Build and enhance participant skills in teaching, leadership, professional development, wellbeing promotion, and educational scholarship.

  3. Establish a network of medical educators committed to educational excellence and wellbeing in academic medicine.


1.      Artificial intelligence

2.      Simulation

3.      Competency-based medical education

4.      Professionalism

1.      Facilitating learning and assessment: remotely and in-person.

2.      Faculty development

3.      Competency based medical education.

4.      Simulation in medical education (including augmented reality and virtual reality).

5.      Artificial intelligence in medical education.

6.      Educational scholarship and evidence-based medical education.

7.      Well-being and burn-out in faculty and medical students.

8.      Social media in medical education: opportunities and pitfalls.

9.      Social accountability in medical education.

10.  Professionalism. 

Partners & Sponsors
Ministry of Heath

Ministry of Heath

Institutional Partner 

Oman Medical Specialty Board(OMSB)

Oman Medical Specialty Board(OMSB)

Institutional Partner 

Oman College of Health Sciences

Oman College of Health Sciences

Institutional Partner 

National University of Science and Technology

National University of Science and Technology

Institutional Partner 

The Medical City of Military

The Medical City of Military

Institutional Partner

University Medical City

University Medical City

Educational Partner 

Dhofar University

Dhofar University

Educational Partner

College of Nursing,SQU

College of Nursing,SQU

Educational Partner 



Strategic Partner

Ministry of Heritage and Tourism

Ministry of Heritage and Tourism


Oman LNG

Oman LNG


Petroleum Development Oman

Petroleum Development Oman


Muscat pharmacy

Muscat pharmacy
