




Artificial Intelligence in Education









Prof. Abdulnasir Hossen 

Director of CIRC 

Professor ECED, SQU

Dr. Zia Nadir 

Associate Professor


Dr. Hassan Al Lawati 

Assistant Dean Undergraduate Studies

Assistant Professor


Mr. Rayees Afroz 

Senior Programmer 


Ms. Muna Al Subhi 

Development Mechanical Engineer, PDO



Education holds the key to achieve the primary goals of the sultanate’s Vision 2040, the country’s long-term economic development plan. Artificial intelligence improves educational outcomes. Artificial intelligence applications have addressed various learning difficulties in the recent decade, including language processing, reasoning, planning, and cognitive modeling. Education and Artificial Intelligence, in reality, were built for one other. Education, on the other hand, is a means of producing minds capable of using the knowledge pool, whereas AI gives tools for developing a more accurate and detailed picture of how everything works.

There are numerous benefits that artificial intelligence provides, such as tutoring, grading, any personalisation in education, feedback on course quality, immediate response to students, and so on, as demonstrated by a few examples, such as: Smart content development is being implemented at all levels, from digitized textbook guides to configurable learning digital interfaces. The ultimate purpose of 'Artificial Intelligence,' according to some, is to serve as a virtual facilitator for learning situations. Its goal is to build virtual human-like characters who can think, act, react, and communicate naturally, responding to and using both spoken and nonverbal communication. It also aspires to set the way for others In the coming years, new learning paths will emerge. Because education is primarily a human-to-human interaction domain. However, the development of the requisite human-like traits of responsiveness, flexibility, and comprehension has been gradual. Free Open Source Software (FOSS) can be used at different stages of AI in Education system.

In this tutorial, AI tools which are used in AI-Chatbot development are briefed. Feedback of faculty, staff and students were also taken and tool was tested and improved which is a great facilitator in students and academic life in an educational environment.

Conversational AI is a part of Artificial Intelligence that handles human-computer interactions in the form of a conversation. It uses text or voice as a medium and imitates a natural environment of information exchange between a human and a computer. This is achieved in the form of a chatbot or a virtual assistant. Conversational AI uses Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to process, understand user input, and generate a response accordingly.

In this tutorial, we will show our attempt to implement conversational AI by developing a chatbot that allows users easy access to useful information by means of chatting. 

The information users can get is as follows:

  • Users can get easy access to general information available on the university website by directly typing a query in the chatbot without having to spend time searching it on the website.
  • Students can get their academic information like the timetable, degree plan, degree audit report, etc. by just typing a relevant phrase in the chatbot.
  • Students can provide quick course feedback and get further study references for a specific topic. This feedback can also help an instructor to improve the course delivery


Prof. Hossen will give an introduction to the subject and objectives of applying AI in Education at Sultan Qaboos University.

Dr. Nadir will summerize some of the experiences of top world universities in this field.

Dr. Hassan will concentrate on the needs of SQU students from an intelligent education system.

Mr. Rayees and Ms. Muna will show in detail the steps implemented and possibilities achieved in this direction.